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Most people use the Internet and do not know it


Most people use the Internet, but they do not know what it is or how it works. Let's get to know the Internet from another perspective

If we had to summarize in one sentence what the Internet is, we could say: "Set of interconnected networks, using the TCP/IP protocol". These few words introduce fundamental notions that we will define immediately.

Internet Network of Networks (Global Network):

However, the Internet is not a network in itself. It is indeed a network of networks. These networks are those found in universities, companies, administrations, research centers, etc. worldwide. These networks all have one thing in common: they speak the same computer language: TCP/IP. We will see later what this acronym represents, the main thing is to understand for the moment that all computers connected to networks themselves connected to the Internet "speak TCP/IP". But beware, a TCP/IP network is not necessarily a "member" of the Internet. If a railway is installed between a few towns in any desert region at the other end of the world, we cannot say that this network is part of the whole formed by the railways of the various countries located on the same continent.

The success of the Internet is due to the fact that it allows communication using sound, text, images and even video. Especially since it offers the possibility of communicating all over the world while paying the price of urban communication.

How to Connect to the Internet:

We are now going to describe the different techniques for connecting to it, in particular via an access provider.

There are several ways to "connect" to the network. Here are the main ones:

Connection by modem or dialup (RTC)

This type of connection implements, in addition to TCP/IP, the PPP protocol (Point to Point Protocol) allowing the circulation of IP packets on the link established between your modem (connected to your computer) and one of those put into service by your provider, via your traditional telephone line. Note that there is another protocol similar to PPP, called SL/IP (Serial Line / Internet Protocol) but this one, less powerful, tends to disappear.

During a dial-up connection, an IP address will be assigned to your computer, at the time of your connection. This address can be either always the same (we speak of static addressing), or different on each call (we then speak of dynamic addressing). In general, for reasons of ease and optimization of available addresses, Internet Service Providers (ISP) use dynamic addressing systems.

What is a Modem?

Abbreviation of modulator/demodulator, a modem makes it possible to transmit digital data from a computer, on a classic analog telephone line, originally designed to convey voice.

Modem speed or throughput is expressed in bits per second or bps. Modem speeds have been standardized by an organization called the ITU-T (formerly CCITT), through notices having a name of form Vxx. For example, advice V34 corresponds to a modem with a speed of 28,800 bps, V34bis to 33,600, and V90 to 56,000 bps (or 56Kbps).

Connection settings

Regardless of the system used, a certain amount of information is required to correctly configure Internet access (by modem). This information is communicated by the ISP when the subscription is opened, and it will be requested by the Internet connection wizard under Windows, for example. Therefore, before configuring your connection, check that you have the following data in your possession:

  • Your username or login. This can be the one you chose when registering, or another name was given to you by the provider.
  • The password is associated with your username. It is generally imposed by the ISP (see box below).
  • The telephone number of the access point closest to you. Again, a list of numbers must be provided. Note that some companies offer a single national number billed at the price of a local call.
  • If necessary, the IP addresses of the DNS servers (with some providers, the search for DNS servers is done automatically on connection).
  • And finally, in rare cases, your IP address. In general, you do not have a fixed address (dynamic addressing, see the previous chapter) and therefore you do not have to indicate an IP address.

I will follow up on this topic in another article
